Author: Peter Dietsch
2024 PCA General Assembly
Dear Church Family, The 51st General Assembly of our denomination, the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), will be held next week, June 10-14, in Richmond, VA. As the highest court in our church, it is an important part of the health and well-being of our denomination; however, with all the parliamentary procedures and Robert’s Rules…
Recommended Sermons
Dear Church Family, This past weekend, May 23-25, was the 2024 Ligonier National Conference; the topic was “The Way, the Truth, and the Life.” Tom & Mary Louise attended the conference with their grandson so I’m sure they will be able to provide a more detailed review and more specific recommendations. For my part, here…
Divine Rights
Dear Church Family, In our present sermon series in the Ten Commandments, we began with several introductory sermons from Exodus 18:13-20:2 in which we explored the immediate context and setting of God’s delivering the moral law to His people on Mount Sinai. Specifically, the immediate context of the Ten Commandments is the Lord’s miraculous s…
Westminster Larger Catechism (Q 146-148)
Dear Church Family, This past Sunday, we did not have Sunday school; however, two weeks ago we continued our Sunday school lessons in the Westminster Larger Catechism (WLC) in questions 146-148 (dealing with the tenth commandment). Here is a brief review. WLC 146 Which is the tenth commandment?A. The tenth commandment is, Thou shalt not…
Westminster Larger Catechism (Q 143-145)
Dear Church Family, This past Sunday, we did not have Sunday school; however, two weeks ago we continued our Sunday school lessons in the Westminster Larger Catechism (WLC) in questions 143-145 (dealing with the ninth commandment). Here is a brief review. WLC 143 Which is the ninth commandment?A. The ninth commandment is, Thou shalt not…
Westminster Larger Catechism (Q 140-142)
Dear Church Family, This past Sunday, we did not have Sunday school; however, two weeks ago we continued our Sunday school lessons in the Westminster Larger Catechism (WLC) in questions 140-142 (dealing with the eighth commandment). Here is a brief review. WLC 140 Which is the eighth commandment?A. The eighth commandment is, Thou shalt not…
Westminster Larger Catechism (Q 139)
Dear Church Family, This past Sunday, we did not have Sunday school; however, two weeks ago we continued our Sunday school lessons in the Westminster Larger Catechism (WLC) in questions 139 (dealing with the seventh commandment). Here is a brief review. WLC 139 What are the sins forbidden in the seventh commandment?A. The sins forbidden…
Westminster Larger Catechism (Q 136-138)
Dear Church Family, This past Sunday, we did not have Sunday school; however, two weeks ago we continued our Sunday school lessons in the Westminster Larger Catechism (WLC) in questions 136138 (dealing with the sixth and seventh commandments). Here is a brief review. WLC 136 What are the sins forbidden in the sixth commandment?A. The…
Sympathy vs. Empathy
Dear Church Family, I recently finished reading Rosaria Butterfield’s recent book Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age in which the author addresses five lies which she formally believed, but concerning which she has since repented: (1) Homosexuality is normal(2) Being a spiritual person is kinder than being a biblical Christian(3) Feminism is good for the…
Westminster Larger Catechism (Q 131-135)
Dear Church Family, A Later Postscript to Mark’s Gospel (Mark 16:9-20) We concluded our sermon series in the Gospel according to Mark this past Sunday in Mark 16:1-8. Perhaps you have questions regarding that “second ending” of Mark’s Gospel (vv 9-20) and why we concluded in verse 8. One of the best, short explanations of…