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Dear Church Family,
It’s only the middle of August, but the summer seems to be coming to a close already as kids head back to school and people’s schedules start changing once again. In our family, three of our four children will be departing this week. Stephen and Lydia are heading back to college. Titus begins his junior year of high school. And, this coming weekend, I will be driving with our son, Timothy, to Pittsburgh, PA to help him move into his apartment with his roommate.
It is a time of transition and, therefore, I wanted to provide a summary of what’s going on at HCPCA in the coming weeks so that you would have all of this information in one place.
Worship & Preaching
In April, I mentioned that I’ve been having some with the new leadership of my Army Reserve unit with respect to getting approval to make-up my Sunday Reserve responsibilities so that I can be with you all in worship. That new policy has not changed; if anything, it has become more strict. I am continuing to pursue various avenues to address the situation and hope to be able to find some way of compromise in the future. However, until that happens, I ask that you please be patient.
That said, here is the plan for preaching through September:
August 21 – Guest preacher: James Poteet II (Pastor Dietsch in Pennsylvania)
August 28 – Pastor Dietsch preaching (beginning a new sermon series in the Gospel according to Mark)
September 4 – Pastor Dietsch preaching
September 11 – Guest preacher: Ben Dunson (Pastor Dietsch at Army Reserves)
September 18 – Pastor Dietsch preaching
September 25 – Pastor Dietsch preaching
I’m hoping to be able to find a solution to this one-a-month Sunday conflict by October, but that remains to be seen. Please pray for a positive resolution.
Officer Training Class
You may find the details of the upcoming Officer Training Class in the email that I sent out last week (https://hillcountrypca.org/hcpca-officer-training-class/), but let me highlight three things:
(1) All men in the church are encouraged to attend.
(2) The class will be on Monday evenings, 6:00-8:00 pm, at the Dietsch home, beginning on September 12th.
(3) Please sign-up for the class by Monday, August 29th.
Sunday School
Sunday school will resume on September 18th (9:15-10:15 am). We will begin a new series of lessons in the Westminster Larger Catechism (https://www.pcaac.org/bco/westminster-confession/). The plan is to cover 2-3 questions per week, adjusting as necessary.
Men & Women Discipleship Groups
The Men’s Discipleship Group and the Women’s Discipleship Group will both resume on Wednesday, September 7th (6:30-7:30 pm). Both groups will meet at the Dietsch home. And, both groups will be studying the Gospel according to John using a NavPress study book. Those books have been ordered and will be available, free of charge, to those wishing to attend.
Men’s Prayer Group
The Men’s Prayer Group continues to meet on Monday mornings at the IHOP in Harker Heights at 6:00 am. Contact Tom Liggett for more information.
Pastoral Visitation
In the next 2-3 months, I will begin a more deliberate plan and schedule to visit the individuals and families in the church in their homes. Look for more information and the opportunity schedule a visit in September.
Fellowship Meal
Our next Fellowship Potluck Meal will be at the Dietsch home on Sunday, September 4th, immediately following the worship service.
Well, I hope that this information is helpful. I hope, also, that it is encouraging. The Lord is at work in and among His people. Please continue to pray for a resolution to my Army Reserve once-a-month Sunday conflict, for the several ministries of our church highlighted above, and that the Lord will grow us both in holiness and in membership as He blesses and builds His Church.
The Lord be with you!
– Pastor Peter M. Dietsch