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Dear Church Family,
Even though it doesn’t seem as though the heat is letting up, the summer season is starting to wind down and students are beginning to get ready to head back to school. So, I thought that it would be a good time to announce and describe some of the ministries that will be resuming in the coming weeks. Of course, we list certain announcements in the bulletin, but here I can expand and go into a bit more detail.
Men’s Prayer Group
Meets Monday mornings at the IHOP in Harker Heights, 6:00-7:00 am. The Men’s Prayer Group has not had a break and continues to meet on Monday mornings. Contact Tom Liggett for more information.
Preaching Schedule
Our present sermon series in the Psalms of Ascent will continue for a few more weeks and conclude at the end of September. Last fall, we had a sermon series in the first half of the Gospel according to Mark. In October, we will pick up where we left off and start the second half, beginning in Mark, chapter 9.
For my Army Reserve duties, the plan is for me to eventually only have to be away from the church and miss one Sunday per quarter. It will take a little bit for that plan to shake out, but for right now that means that I will be out on Sunday, September 10th and Sunday, November 19th. We’re blessed to have Mike and Jenny Basie and their family worshipping with us; Mike is an Army chaplain and an ordained minister in the Associate Reformed Presbyterian (ARP) Church and will be preaching for us on September 10th.
Youth Catechism Class
We’re kicking off the resumption of our Youth Catechism Class with a pizza, pool, and game night this Sunday, August 20th, 5:00-7:00 pm at the Dietsch home. Bring a swimsuit and towel if you’d like to swim. All 6-12th grade youth are invited (parents are welcome, but not required, to stay if they like). If there are some college kids still in town and haven’t returned to school yet, they are welcome as well. If you’re planning to come, please send me an email (pastordietsch@hillcountrypca.org) and let me know how many kids will be coming so that we can have enough pizza!
On Sunday, August 27th, at 5:00 pm at the Dietsch home, we’ll resume our study with the youth of the Westminster Shorter Catechism (WSC), questions 47-48. For those who haven’t come before, but wish to join the study, we use The Westminster Shorter Catechism: For Study Classes by G.I. Williamson. You can order a copy online or let me know and I can order a copy for you.
Sunday School
At this time, we do not have Sunday school classes for different age groups; however, all are welcome to attend our one Sunday school class which will resume Sunday, August 27th (9:15-10:15 am) in the sanctuary. We will resume our study of the Westminster Larger Catechism (WLC), picking up where we left off with question 57. Question 57 of the WLC begins a wonderful new section of the catechism which describes the benefits that Christ has procured in His mediating work (things like justification, adoption, sanctification, perseverance, and assurance) and how God applies these benefits to those who are united to Christ by faith.
Wednesday Night Dinner & Discipleship (5:45-7:30 pm)
We’re excited to begin a new Dinner & Discipleship for men and women (young and old) on Wednesday nights, starting on September 6th in the Dietsch home. In the past, our Men’s and Women’s Discipleship Groups met separately on Wednesday nights. This fall, we’re going to combine our groups and also add an opportunity for dinner and fellowship before our study time.
So, here’s the plan: dinner will begin at 5:45 pm; the discipleship study will be from 6:30-7:30 pm. For dinner, to start off, we thought that we would keep it simple with spaghetti with meatballs and salad. And, in order to help cover the cost of the meal, we’re asking that those who wish to eat pay $2/person, $10 max/family (see instructions below about RSVP). If you’re unable to make it for the dinner, but want to come to the study at 6:30 pm, that is perfectly fine.
Our topic for our combined men’s and women’s study will be “Turning Points in Church History.” It will be a broad sketch of some of the major historical events in the history of the church from the fall of Jerusalem (in 70 AD) to the missionary endeavors of the 20th century. We’ll conclude with a focused look at some of the major turning points in the history of American Presbyterianism (1706-Present).
As this Wednesday Night Dinner & Discipleship is a new venture for us, it would help to have a general idea of how many people to expect for dinner. So, if you’re planning to join us for dinner on Wednesday night, please RSVP for the dinner by emailing Pastor Dietsch by the prior Monday. I’m excited about beginning our Wednesday Night Dinner & Discipleship and am looking forward to a wonderful time of weekly fellowship and study!
September Potluck Fellowship Meal
The September Potluck Fellowship Meal will be on Sunday, September 3rd in the evening at 5:00 pm at the Dietsch home (604 Trout Cove, Killeen). Please bring a main dish, side, or dessert to share. If you’d like to swim in the pool, bring a swimsuit and towel. All are welcome!
The Lord be with you!
– Pastor Peter M. Dietsch