pastor's blog

Preaching: The Same Message, No Matter the Text?

Dear Church Family, In recent weeks, I’ve been reflecting on preaching. You may read the previous installments online: Preaching: What is the Gospel?Preaching: The Foundation and the SuperstructurePreaching: The Abuse of Redemptive Historical Preaching, Part 1Preaching: The Abuse of Redemptive Historical Preaching, Part 2Preaching: The Abuse of Redemptive Historical Preaching,

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Preaching: The Abuse of Redemptive-Historical Preaching, Part 2

Dear Church Family, Two weeks ago, I sought to explain the proper definition of redemptive-historical preaching. I also attempted to explain how this form of preaching is often abused and provided some examples and evidence of the abuse of redemptive-historical preaching to be on the lookout for. You may read

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Preaching: The Abuse of Redemptive-Historical Preaching, Part 1

Dear Church Family, This is the third installment of our weekly series on preaching. First, we considered the full-orbed definition of the gospel that includes what Jesus did in history and how God saves sinners (Preaching: What is the Gospel?). Second, we considered the full-orbed definition of gospel preaching that

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Preaching: The Foundation and the Superstructure

Dear Church Family, In last week’s reflection, we considered how we might arrive at a more full-orbed definition of the gospel. The gospel is about more than the good news of justification, it is the good news of the kingdom of God! Thus, the gospel includes what Christ, as the

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Preaching: What is the gospel?

Dear Church Family, In the first two sermons of our present preaching series on “The Church and the Means of Grace,” we sought to ask and answer the question, “What to expect from your pastor?” So, we looked at 1 Timothy 4:11-16. Specifically, we saw how the Apostle Paul admonishes his younger protégé,

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A High (and Prioritized) Ecclesiology

Dear Church Family, In the last two lessons of our online “Inquirer / New Member” Sunday school class, we have been discussing and learning about what it means to support the work and worship of the church. As part of these lessons, we studied some ecclesiology. I am convinced that

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An Oversimplified & a Mathematical Galatians

Dear Church Family, Having just concluded our sermon series in Paul’s letter to the Galatians, I thought that a good way to review would be try and write a brief (and oversimplified) summary of the book. Additionally, I sat down and tried to imagine what Galatians might look like if

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Be of Sin the Double Cure

Dear Church Family, In our online Sunday school class this past Sunday, we examined the third vow of church membership: Do you now resolve and promise, in humble reliance upon the grace of the Holy Spirit, that you will endeavor to live as becomes the followers of Christ? Basically, this vow

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Membership Vows 1 & 2 (The Bad News and the Good News)

Dear Church Family, We have been having a great (virtual) Sunday evening class for the last several weeks! Thank you to those who have participated – and thank you for your patience as we all try and navigate meeting and learning in an online setting. I recognize that it is

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1 John 5:18-21 (That You May Worship)

Dear Church Family, This week we come to the final four verses of 1 John and the conclusion of our study of this epistle. If you’ve been following along in our study, then hopefully by now you might remember the three main themes or emphases of this letter. The Christian

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