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Dear Church Family,
Earlier this year, I shared with you the general framework for our church-planting strategy at Hill Country Church (PCA). Basically, this strategy is a plan for a path to move from a “mission church” to a “particularized church” and is comprised of three phases: establishing membership, building infrastructure, and training and ordaining officers. I encourage you to click on the hyperlink above and review this strategy.
At this point in the life of our church, we will begin to move into the second phase. This doesn’t mean that we cease to establish membership and grow in our understanding of what it means to be members of a local body of Christ; Lord willing, we will continue to grow and work in the areas of phase one. What it does mean, however, is that we will begin to seek ways for members of the church to use their gifts and serve in the church. The goal of this second phase is two-fold: (1) to develop and encourage opportunities for members of the church to serve and “plug into” the life and work of the church, (2) to establish norms and procedures in these areas so that we may have continuity as members move away or new members join.
Volunteer Survey
Toward this end, a volunteer survey will be distributed to the church. If you are a member or regular attender of Hill Country Church (PCA), please prayerfully go over this survey, fill it out, and return it by Sunday, September 19th (you may place it in the box in the foyer of the church or send it to me, Pastor Dietsch, by email). If you have any questions about the survey, please ask me; I’m happy to meet in person, on the phone, or receive questions by email.
This survey will be available as a bulletin insert on Sunday mornings for the next three weeks. If you’d like to preview or print out your own copy, it is attached to this email (it is also available online here).
Next Steps
As you will read in the document, it is a survey not a commitment form. The survey is intended to help give a quick and broad snapshot of where individual gifts and interests lie. Once the surveys are completed, two things will follow: (1) I will begin to have conversations with individuals about the needs of the church and how they may serve, (2) we will have initial information meetings related to particular areas of service, at which meetings, we will begin brainstorm and make plans for moving forward.
I am encouraged by what the Lord is doing at our church and am looking forward to what He has in store for us as we enter this second phase!
Please continue to pray for Hill Country Church (PCA) that:
– the Lord would continue to grow us as a congregation, both spiritually and numerically
– the Lord would use this survey process and follow-on work for the good of the church and His glory
– the Lord would raise up men from among our congregation to serve as elders and deacons in the future
The Lord be with you!
– Pastor Peter M. Dietsch